Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Appeal to Friends of the Cafe

January 2009
The Green Street Cafe is offering its friends and supporters a special offer of a 10% discount by subscribing to a pre-paid dinner plan or add funds to existing accounts. John and Jim need your help to stay in business and want to thank their loyal clientele for their continued support. They want to stay in the neighborhood doing what they love to do most. For more information, contact the Green Street Cafe at 413-586-5650


  1. As a Green Street insider, I find Smith's actions unconscionable. I know President Christ and I will write to her immediately to do my small part in this. I am writing a novel loosely based on the crew of Green Street, of which Jim and John are the parental units. So I take this very, very personally as I have always felt Green Street to be a real honest-to-God family, as does my now husband, Paul Andrews. I will do whatever I can to help.

    Carolyn Creedon

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Eating at the cafe made me want to learn cook. It taught me that the knowing where my food comes from adds immeasurable pleasure to eating it and that cuisine need not be frilly or elitest to be fine. J and J-- you make art of everything you touch. I am deeply disappointed in Smith's administration for the actions they have taken to hurt your business. If you shut your doors again-and I hope very much that it will not come to that-it will be a grave loss for Northampton and Smith.

    Susan Balaban
    Smith Class of 1996
